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autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases occur where your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake. A varity of at least 80 types of autoimmune diseases are known. Early diagnosis and the right treatment option are highly correlated to the long-term outcome. Treatment depends on the type and severity of the condition. Traditional treatment options include Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and immunosuppressants. Throughout the past two decades additional effective new treatment options, mostly so called biologicals, have entered the market.

In Germany renowned centers of excellence and highly specialized physicians are available. As autoimmun disorders are likely chronic diseases or require long-term treatment, taking care of  your individual needs and wishes is the center of our efforts to support you on your personal journey (including besides others language capabilities and online consultations). 

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common inflammatory disease of the joints. Those affected suffer from chronic pain and swelling, initially mainly in the small joints of the fingers and toes, later in various other joints as well as in tendon sheaths and bursae

Arthritis can manifest itself at any age. Late diagnosis and self-treatment of the disease can lead to disability and chronic pain. Despite the absence of a complete cure, there has been tremendous progress in the past decades with regard to treatment options. The right treatment can help people to maintain their quality life and can help to control the course and dynamic of the disease and also to achieve long-term remission.

Crohn’s disease causes inflammation of your digestive tract. The disease usually occurs in episodes and can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition. Crohn’s disease can be both painful and debilitating, and sometimes may lead to life-threatening complications.

In principle, Crohn’s disease can affect the entire digestive tract – from the mouth to the anus. However, usually only the last section of the small intestine and the transition to the large intestine are affected.

While there’s no known cure for Crohn’s disease, therapies can greatly reduce its signs and symptoms and even bring about long-term remission and healing of inflammation. With treatment, many people with Crohn’s disease are able to function well.

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammation of the colon. A typical sign is diarrhea with blood and mucus admixtures. This is accompanied by pain, often in the left upper abdomen. Ulcerative colitis usually progresses in relapses: during the symptom-free period, normal everyday life is possible. During a relapse, however, hospitalization may be necessary.

Some of the risks associated with ulcerative colitis include massive dilatation of the bowel (megacolon) with the risk of intestinal perforation and peritonitis, but also severe and possibly life-threatening bleeding and an increased risk of colon cancer.

With the right therapy, the symptoms of ulcerative colitis can usually be controlled. Until now, the only chance of a cure has been the removal of the colon and rectum.

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