german health care

About the german health care system

The German healthcare system is renowned by its high quality of care, high tech equipment, early access to latest treatments in combination with an intermediate cost base. A close cooperation between science, research, industry and hospitals at a regional and national level results in some of the highest standards of medical care in the world. This is complemented by outstanding preventive therapies and rehabilitation.

International patients are coming for check-ups, treatments post diagnosis in their home countries (mostly operations) as well as for rehabilitation.  You will benefit from tailored therapies according to international guidelines and modern treatment options and surgeries.

In 2017 around 247,500 patients from 177 countries have been treated in Germany both in an in-patient (~40% of patients) as well as in a resident setting (~ 60% of patients). The vast majority of medical tourists in Germany are originating from Russia, CIS, GCC, the Baltics, European countries, overseas and China. Recent figures show that in Germany 1,925 hospitals (of which 37.5% were private hospitals) with ~498,350 hospital beds are in place. The bed occupancy in German hospitals has been stable since years around 77% .

Invoices for medical tourists are settled as private patients (based on DRG and GOÄ). Germany has a strict anti-corruption law and the healthcare system is based on respect, transparency, and honesty. International patients will experience efficient and effective treatment with high value outcomes. 

  1. Potentzialstudie Medizintourismus Finaler_Report_13.08.2015, p.29
  2. Statistisches Bundesamt,
  3. I. Beyer: Gesundheits-Check-Ups in Deutschland. 2011, S. 35 Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
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